Can I add custom personalized fields?

Right now it is not possible to add custom personalized fields to Colido.

There is an open discussion going on with Mindat to establish a mineral collection catalogue exchange format. This format will try to capture all informations needed by mineral collectors. The idea is that every tool will have the same input fields and attributes – so that an exchange from one tool to another and from one collector to another will work very smoothly.

Our cataloging process pretty much sticks to the first draft of the format proposed by Mindat – although we do not cover all provided informations yet.

We are also thinking about including the possibility to add custom personalized fields in the future. But to maintain the exchangeability we would rather extend our set of input fields for everybody, if the so collected informations make sense for a bigger group of collectors. Please tell us you need.

To see which informations you can already capture with Colido go to this article.

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