Can I manage my storages and how?

Yes, our service already comes with a tool to manage your locations and storages. Setting up your storages is very easy and managing them can be done with simple drag and drop interactions.

At first choose "Storages" from the main navigation. Here you will see the all storages, which were set up previously and the so called „Other locations“. With the “Other locations” you can see if an object is in transit or whether its storage information is unknown. All objects lacking storage information are shown at the bottom of the location page.

Adding and managing storages is easy: Click on „Manage storages“ to bring up the storage manager. You can add a new storage by clicking on „Add new storage“ on the bottom of the dialog. Give it a name and hit enter.

To change the hierarchy of the storage locations simply drag the storage where you need it. By dragging them a little left and right you can also define sub-storages. To remove a storage, drag it to the trash on the right side of the dialog. Click “Save” to save your adjustments.

To see what is inside a specific storage just click on its card. If the storage also has sub-storages you can dig in even deeper. The arrow button next to the storage name in the page header brings you back to the previous page.

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