How does cataloging new objects work in Colido?

As you signed in to your collection click “Add Object” inside the main menu on the left side of the interface. This will bring up the cataloging dialog, where you can enter all the informations you would like to capture.

Which informations you are capturing is totally up to you. You can also toggle the fields you want to capture by default in the Settings.

We suggest to define an unique object number for each piece of your collection. To help you with this we will always show the last entered number next to the input field.

In the next section you can choose some images from your disk or take a picture if you are on a tablet device. Click on one image to make it the lead image, which will then be used for the object’s preview.

In the second section you can enter the full paragenesis, one mineral per field. As you start tipping you will get autocomplete recommendations, which will speed up the process and which will help you to get the spelling right. Right now we only have the english names of mineral specimens in the database. But we will be including more languages later on.

If the specimen consists of multiple species you can also define their relationship by choosing one of the connecting attributes: And, on, with, var (variety of), after (pseudomorph after).

Within the next step you can add a specimen title. If you choose not to add a specific specimen title, the paragenesis will be used as the specimens name.

Step four will let you add the locality. Just enter the full, comma-separated locality information, going from small to big (e.g.: Smoky Hawk Claim, Crystal Peak Area, Teller Co., Colorado, United States). Again we will try to give you autocomplete recommendations. Your database will learn over time. If you try to enter the same locality a second time, the system will help you with the input.

Next you can include informations about dimensions, crystal sizes and weight. As you enter the width, height and depth you will get recommendations for the size group the specimen belongs to: Micromount, Thumbnail, Miniature, Small cabinet, Cabinet specimen, Museum specimen. You can of course change the size group if you like.

Within the next sections you will be able to enter full text descriptions, damages, repairs and further notes.

You can also state how the object was obtained – purchased, traded off, given, found (self-collected) – and from whom. You can also add informations about important previous owners and collections. This information will then be stated prominently on the object’s detail view.

In the values and prices section you can state the estimated value, the insurance value and the retail price.

The object status will tell whether the object is still within your collection or whether it got lent, missing, or deaccessioned. If the object was deaccessioned or lent you can state to whom.

You can also catalog the object colors. We included 19 different main colors to choose from. Click on one or more colors to assign them to the object. This will also come in handy if you like to filter your full collection by color. Additionally you can add more precise color informations if you like.

The last two steps will let you choose the location where you are storing the object and you can assign the object to a specific set. Click on the links and choose a storage or set inside the popup window.

As you put in all the informations you wanted to capture, click on the “Create and done” button. There is one button inside of the page header on the top right and there is another button at the end of the dialog. After the object was created you will receive a notification which helps you to go to the captured object right away.

If you want to capture another very similar object, you can also go for the “Create and duplicate” button. This will create the just entered object – but you will stay inside the cataloging dialog. In this case all the informations you entered for the last object will already be prepopulated in the input fields for the new object.

So maybe you bought a box of specimens of the same species from the same locality. You would then enter the information for the first object you are cataloging. After that you would just duplicate it. All you need to do now is to change the informations, which are different from the first piece – probably the object number, maybe the size and the images. Going on you can do this for all the remaining pieces and you will be done in no time.

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